Pravčická Gate

The best known and most admired rock formation Bohemian Switzerland, the largest natural rock arch in Europe. It stands in Jetřichovické walls near the border with Germany at the southwest end of the constriction rock hřbítku. It was founded in turonských block sandstone millions of years of continuous weathering of the sandstone grains in the less resistant part of the massif. Bottom Pravčická gate lies at an altitude of 415 m, its width at the bottom is 26.5 meters, height 16 m aperture, the upper arch is 21 m above the bottom width of the arc 7-8 mA minimum thickness of 3 m. The output of the gate on its own Pravcická is closed since 1980 because the rock bridge was a big number of visitors at risk. To avoid further damage to this unique national natural monument, a sandstone block reinforced with a special mixture of resin added. Available are rock prospects in the immediate vicinity gate, where there is a nice view of some landmark in Czech and Saxon sandstone of the area. In some of the rock caverns near the gate Pravčická apparently lived a legendary hermit Prebisch, according to which the Germans called this location Prebischtor. In the early days of tourism could be a trip to the gate Pravcická hire mules or group of carriers. Already in 1826 the bar was exposed, which in 1881 replaced the courage based cruise castle Falcon's Nest, literally glued to the sandstone rock. The cliff area is a commercial entry.